Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Do You Know Him?

Weekly Devotional
Do You Know Him?
By Elder Michael V. Johnson

"The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin.” ~Exodus 34:6-7

As a Believer and a Minister of the Gospel, I’m often posed with questions in reference to Scripture and the Christian Lifestyle. There are none that I find more interesting than those that challenge the existence of God. I’m usually very careful to ascertain who’s asking the question, because it’s either one or two different kinds of people. They are either non-believers, or those who are lost, and genuinely need an answer.

For the non-believer, I determine if the dialogue is going to turn into a debate, and if so, I follow the scripture laid out in 1 Timothy 1:5-7, “The goal of this command is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. Some have departed from these and have turned to meaningless talk. They want to be teachers of the law, but they do not know what they are talking about or what they so confidently affirm.”

But with the lost, it’s different. It has been my experience that if a proper introduction is made, those that are lost find it easier to get to know our Creator. This requires a full description of the Character of God and His Attributes. I’ve found that there are 8 Attributes of God that describe Him, and are effective in helping the lost understand just who God is…

God is Spirit: He unlike us doesn’t need to be told to prove himself. His Creation demonstrates His existence!

God is Life: The impartation of a new nature resulting in fellowship with God in Christ, and is not interrupted by physical death. His full reality is to come in a life with Him for the believer. He is the only Living God!

God is Infinite: His infinity is not an independent attribute. He is infinite in a pantheistic way. God is all!

God is Immutable: He is devoid of any need for change in essence or promises because all change has to be either better or worse, and God is Absolute Perfection!

God is Truth: God represents interrelated consistency, character, virtue, and reliability, which are all rooted in the word TRUE!

God is Love: The very nature of God! If it wasn’t, He wouldn’t have allowed His Son to be killed for us!

God is Eternal: Eternal meaning the Endless Past, and the Unending Future! He’s Self-Existent because nothing created Him! He’s Omnipresent because there is no place He is not! He’s Omnipotent because His power is everywhere! He’s Omniscient because He knows everything!

Most of all, God Is Worthy! His mercy and grace toward us has given us the opportunity for everlasting life!

Carpe Diem,
~Elder Michael V. Johnson

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